
Professional Development


Building Strong Workplace skills - Bolster skills you already have, or seek out new ones.

CPRS is committed to offering professional development opportunities for local government careers that explore practical education using a variety of learning formats. Our member organizations need professionals with expertise in putting new tools to use.  Our member organizations want employees well versed in soft skills such as adaptability because jobs of the past won’t necessarily be jobs of the future. 

Explore with us knowledge and skill building experiences needed to shape your career and transform (change) your organization.  We include sharing between professionals that tends to be the best source of practical education available.

We are sure one of our learning exchange programs can fit your professional development interests.

Pledge for EDge

By making a Pledge for EDge, you commit to prioritizing your professional development and embracing opportunities for growth. CPRS is dedicated to providing the support, resources, and guidance needed at every step of the way. With our Development Action Plan, you can build a personalized roadmap for your short-term and long-term goals, ensuring that you have the tools necessary to navigate your journey to success.

"I urge each of you to make a Pledge for EDge – to embrace education as a means of attaining the cutting edge. Whether it involves pursuing a degree, acquiring new skills, or securing a coveted promotion, let CPRS be your partner in realizing these aspirations. To aid you on this journey, we’ve crafted a personal development action plan available for download. Use it to set and monitor your goals, adjusting them to suit your unique path."

Kyla Brown, CPRS President 2024-2025


Submit Your Session Proposals for Section, District and Region Events!

CLICK HERE to access the 2024-25 submission portal.
Please note the deadline to submit session proposals for CONNECTIONS 2025: CPRS Conference and Expo has passed.

Have a great idea you'd like to vet out? Need some guidance on submitting a session? Want to join the Professional Development committee? Contact Lauren Oakley, Director of Professional Development today!