trendSCAN 2020
There are many demographic factors that park and recreation professionals must be aware of when developing recreation programming or park and facility design. The demographic trends to watch include economic, social, cultural, political, environmental and geographic. Park and recreation agencies must respond proactively to emerging trends in order to remain an important role in creating community through people, parks and programs.
Trendscan is created by Leisure Lifestyle Consulting of Glastonbury, CT. Comments and questions can be directed to Dr. Ellen O'Sullivan at . Please feel free to share with her other ideas you have for tracking prevailing winds as well as interesting trend information.
Great insight and data into important social issues that are naturals for parks and recreation along with The CDC and Halloween and insight into how cities will change.
What has the pandemic showed us about park happiness and park equity?
Can we use our space assets to make more programs and services "drive-in" like? Can we put our imaginations and the imaginations of children into reworking youth sports? Is there anyway in which we have some assets to contribute to the critical need of childcare?
Outdoors in the new IN spot. Bikes and drive-in reach new levels of popularity. How might we become providers of greater resilience to our communities?
Can Day Camps Save this Summer and Make us Essential? Will the pattern of Free Play continue? How will our culture change in light of BC (before corona)?
Parks and Recreation has experienced a resurgence in publicity and a renewed emergence for the essential benefits we provide. Check them out in this version of trendSCAN and help spread the word along with generational differences due to the virus, the increased value of technology, and the potential demise of mega-cities.
Watch the April 2020 trendSCAN for the Reset of Parks and Recreation due to our time with coronavirus. Will some time in the near future will California actually resemble Florida with the number of older adults living there? How are libraries changing to incorporate the need for family play spaces?
Have your heard of 'Park in a Truck" in Philadelphia? Did you know that there will be more plastic than fish in the seas by 2050 if we don't make changes? Any way you can make the ClassPass trend work for you? All this and more in this month's trendSCAN.
Don't miss the 2020 trends identified by two of the biggest names in consumers' patterns and preferences. Plenty of opportunities for parks and recreation. In fact, more opportunities than usual!