Marketing & Communications Award of Excellence
This award recognizes excellence in print, audio visual or electronic communications that (1) externally promote the agency’s public parks, facilities, recreation, or leisure services programs and have successfully demonstrated an increased level of public awareness or (2) are used to enhance the agency’s internal communications to staff, policy makers, or current program participants.
Project must have been completed between November 1, 2023 – October 31, 2024.
CPRS may award up to 1 (one) award per sub-category/per class.
- Digital Media - Video (TV, public service announcements, informational videos)
- Digital Media – Web & Mobile (web sites, podcasts, new platforms, mobile app)
- Digital Media - Social Media (social media)
- Print Publication or Materials (agency guides, program or facility brochures, annual reports
- Marketing Campaign (use of multiple avenues to tell ONE story, i.e. 2 of 4 sub categories)
Class Categories:
- Class 1: up to 50,000 population
- Class 2: 50,001 – 125,000 population
- Class 3: 125,001 – 250,000 population
- Class 4: 250,001 plus population
What you will be asked to submit on your application:
1. Telling the Story
Share how your program, park, facility, or marketing effort supports our California Action Plan and Parks Make Life Better! goals. Tell the Story of your success, using one or more of these goals:
- Promote physical, emotional, and mental health and wellness
- Support economic vitality of our community
- Create memorable experiences
- Foster social cohesiveness
- Support human development and endless learning
- Strengthen community identity
- Facilitate community problem and issue resolution
- Sustain and steward our natural, historical, and/or cultural resources
- Support a safe, vibrant, attractive, and progressive community
400 word maximum; 20 points
2. Community Need or Challenge and Desired Outcomes
Outline the community need or significant challenge your program, park, facility, or media project intended to answer/solve. Describe the desired outcomes you were looking to achieve.
Some thoughts to consider:
- What was the impact if this community need or challenge was not addressed?
- Did your desired outcomes consider and address equity, accessibility, and diversity in your community? How?
400 word maximum; 20 points
3. Innovative Approach(es)
Detail how your approach was different, new, or innovative in addressing your community need/challenge and reaching your desired outcomes.
Some thoughts to consider:
- What various strategies, tools, technology, and resources were used?
- Were non-traditional fiscal or community resources (grants, sponsorships, volunteers, etc.) employed?
- Did you collaborate with other agencies or create a public/private partnership to accomplish your goals?
400 word maximum; 20 points
4. Community Collaboration
Describe the role policy makers, staff, community members, partners and/or stakeholders played in reaching your desired outcomes.
Some thoughts to consider:
- How did you engage policy makers, community members, and partners in obtaining needed resources?
- How did you ensure diverse community partners and perspectives in your collaborations and problem solving?
- What communications channels did you utilize to ensure all community members or stakeholders were included?
400 word maximum; 20 points
5. Measuring Success
Specify, through measurable results, how you know you reached your desired outcomes as outlined above. Did the entry create a substantial community benefit, improve operational efficiencies, create new or increased value in the community or significantly enhance the provision of park and recreation services? How do you know?
Some thoughts to consider:
- What metrics did you use to know this was a successful program, park, facility, or marketing effort?
- How do you know your program, park, facility, or media has reached a diverse cross-section of your community and/or is inclusive of and accessible to all?
- How have you celebrated your success and shared the story to advocate for additional support, awareness, or resources?
400 word maximum; 20 points
6. Award Application Summary
In 150 words or less, please give us a compelling description of your award nomination, highlighting several points from the questions above. Note that this 150-word description may be used in future CPRS Award program marketing materials. Be sure it is representative of what you'd like not only our award judges but also general members, to read about your award nominee!
Additional Supplemental Information Requested/Required
Digital Media-Videos: television, public service announcements or informational videos
- Link (URL) to where the entry can be viewed on-line
- 3 to 5 screen shots or images of the video in use (jpg image)
- If you are not a park and recreation agency and are submitting an application on behalf of a park and recreation agency/program/facility/park, please include a letter from said agency denoting they know you are submitting this award application. (PDF)
Digital Media-Web/Social Media: Web sites, social media, blogs, new/emerging platforms or mobile device app development
- Link (URL) to where the entry can be viewed on line
- 3-5 screen shots representative of applicable social media, blogs or websites (jpg image)
- If you are not a park and recreation agency and are submitting an application on behalf of a park and recreation agency/program/facility/park, please include a letter from said agency denoting they know you are submitting this award application. (PDF)
Print Publication or Materials: agency guides, program or facility brochures that promote general programs, specialty programs or special events whether for a single program or event or for a series of related events such as a concert series; facility guides, annual reports, etc.
- Sample of print material (PDF)
- If you are not a park and recreation agency and are submitting an application on behalf of a park and recreation agency/program/facility/park, please include a letter from said agency denoting they know you are submitting this award application. (PDF)
Marketing Campaign: use of multiple avenues to tell ONE story, i.e. 2 of 4 sub categories, (ads/print materials/promotional items, or social media) targeted to promote a specific agency event, program or facility. Individual items used in the campaign may not be entered as single items in other categories.
- Itemized list of promotional items and a 2-3 sentence description of how item was used (PDF)
- 1 digital photo or screen shot of each item (jpg image)
- Sample of print materials (if used) (PDF)
- If you are not a park and recreation agency and are submitting an application on behalf of a park and recreation agency/program/facility/park, please include a letter from said agency denoting they know you are submitting this award application. (PDF)